Presenters |
/Speech/ |
Keynote - Development and Future Prospects of the Tertiary Education E-Learning Program in Taiwan |
Dr. Han-Chieh CHAO, Director of Computer Center - Ministry of Education, Taiwan (Taiwan) |
Panel Discussion - Student Learning and Competitiveness: A Global Perspective |
Dr. Wen-Shu HWANG, President, Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (Taiwan)
Dr. Han-Chieh CHAO, Director of Computer Center - Ministry of Education , Taiwan (Taiwan)
Mr. Alberto. L. BUENVIAJE, Dean, Ateneo Graduate School of Business ( The Philippines)
Dr. J. T. Yu, Former Chief Information Officer (Retired), City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) |
Plenary Sessions |
Mr. Gorden FREEDMAN, Vice President, Global Education, Blackboard ( U. S. A.)
Topic: The Future Has Arrived - Who Will Be The First Movers? |
Professor Thomas WONG, Vice President, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)
Topic: A Robust Platform for Global Expansion of Medical and Nursing Education |
Mr. Steve RYAN, Director, Center for Learning Technology,the London School of Economics & Political Science (United Kingdom)
Topic: Building a Success: Using e-Learning to Enhance the Student Experience |
Discussion Forum |
Dr. J. T. Yu, Former Chief Information Officer (Retired), City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Professor An-Chi LIU, Director, Preparatory Office, Dharma Drum University (Taiwan)
Dr. Daniel TAN, Director, Centre for Exellence in Learning and Teaching, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) |
Concurrent Sessions |
Mr. ONG Choon Teck, Campus e-Learning Operation, Educationl Technologist, Singapore Polytechnic (Singapore)
Topic: Business Continuity with eLearning |
Dr. David KENNEDY, Director, Teaching and Learning Centre, Lingnan University (Hong Kong)
Topic: mLearning: Is 2010 the year are we really ready? |
建構中 |
Dr. Hye Ok PARK, Director of eLearning, California State Polytechnic University Pomona (U. S. A.)
Topic: Online/ Hybrid Teching in the Days of Budget Cuts |
Dr. Tushar CHAUDHURI, Department of Government & International Studies,Hong Kong Baptist Universtiy (Hong Kong)
Topic: The Scope of E-Learning System in the alignment of Teaching & Learning Activities to intenend
Learning Outcomes -The European Studies Program of the Hong Kong Baptist University |
Professor Annie KOH, Dean, Office of Executive & Professional Education, Singapore Management University (Singapore)
Topic: The International trading track case study -a public-private partnership |
Dr. Miin Shyan BAIR, Director of Computer Centre,I-SHou University (Taiwan)
Topic: The Aspects for Establish E-learning System at I-Shou University |
Dr. Joseph CEVETELLO, Director of Learning Environments, Technology Enhanced Learning, Assistant Professor of Clinical Education, University of Southern California (U. S. A.)
Topic: Forward Through the Rearview Mirror |
Professor WONG Yue Kee, Practice Associate Professor, Singapore Management University (Singapore)
Topic: Student Learning- Are We Listening? |

Mr. Alberto L. BUENVIAJE, Dean, Ateneo Graduate School of Business (The Philippines)
Topic:Searching For The Appropriate Globalization Model : The Ateneo Graduate School Of Business
Experience |
Dr. Carmel HEAH,Language and Communication Centre,Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Topic: Managinng Driversity, Maximizing Potential: Solving Logistics Problems and Enhancing Learning in a Project- Based Academic Writing Course
Ms. CHEUNG Hok-ling, Education Development Officer, Office of Education Development and General Education, City University of Hong Kong & Dr.Uthai TANLAMNI- Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy,Chulalongkorn Universtiy
(Joint Presentation - Hong Kong and Thailand)
Topic: Roadmap for an ePortfolio Culture |

Ms. Bethany WILIKES, Coordinator, Reference and Instruction, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Topic: Changing our Service Interface to Support Learning: Information Literacy in the Virtual Environment at the City University of Hong Kong Library |
Mr. Jerome LO, Head, Education Technology Raffles Institution (Singapore)
Topic: Content is King.....Really? |
Dr. Carmel MCNAUGHT, Director, Centre for Learning Enhancement & Research, The Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Topic: Institutional Strategies for Embedding Blended Learning in a Research-Intensive University
Mr. XUE Dong Ming, Director of Information Center, China Europe International Business School (China)
Topic: The Practice of E-Learning Platform in CEIBS EMBA Program
Ms. Ninia Inoncillo-CALACA, Director, Educational Technology Center, Director, eLearning Access Program, University of Santo Tomas(The Philippines)
Topic: Facilitating Access to Postgraduate Pain Education in Southeast Asia Through e-Learning
Dr. Stephanie Grace SCHULL, Assessment Coordinator, Temple University (U. S. A.)
Topic: Assessment and Accreditation: Exceeding Expectations with a Strategic Use of Technology
Mr. Alexander ROCHE (Australia)
Topic: Achieving an integrated Educational Technology architecture in support of the business of teaching and learning in the 21st century |