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About Dong Hwa University, Taiwan

Since 1994, Dong Hwa University, Taiwan has been established for 15 years as yet in Hualien with its principal mission to foster the balanced regional development of Taiwan through the even distribution of higher education systems in the north, south, east, and west of the island.

University campus is located 16 km south from Hualien city in Shoufeng township. In all, the University campus and surrounding grounds total to more than 251 hectares (650 acres). Nestled between the Coastal Mountain Range and the Central Mountain Range in the verdant and pristine Papaya Creek Delta, the University is situated in a spectacularly beautiful natural environment. The air is pure and clean, and the campus possesses a tranquil and peaceful quality.

Dong Hwa University, Taiwan is devoted to offer its students a unique, well-rounded university experience that instills in them professional expertise, humanistic concerns, and scientific competence. By encouraging them to engage in both theoretical and applied research in various academic fields, the University wishes to provide its students with the academic foundation and creative spark they will need to advance human knowledge, lead successful careers, and foster the cultural and economic development of Taiwan. For more details, please refer to the website of Dong Hwa University, Taiwan at



  Designed by Chang, Jih-Sheng