2:30 - 3:30pm |
Panel Discussion - National and Institutional Drivers for Quality Assurance and Assessment - Global and Local Perspectives
Panel Chair: Professor An-Chi Liu
Preparatory office
Dharma Drum University
Associated with Feng Chia University for 20 years, Professor An-Chi Liu is now in charge
of establishing Dharma Drum University (DDU) – a new literal arts school focusing on
Graduate education. To reach out to the international community, DDU is now in the
process of building a virtual campus with e-Learning support. |
Panelist: Dr Walter Hu
Chief Executive Officer
The People's Republic of China
Dr Walter Hu has got his PhD in Information Technology and MS in Computer Science. He has been the President and CEO
of CERNET-Blackboard Information Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd. in China since 2003, managing and leading this Sino-US joint
venture company to develop e-Learning software and provide service in China. Before he took up the current position, he
served as the Chief Information Officer, Executive VP of CERNET Corp. Beijing, China, supervising R&D department as well
as other related departments for the corporation for six years and Director of System Engineering of Online Resources Corp.
McLean, VA in the United States, leading a software and system engineer team to analyze, design, develop and maintain
an Internet banking system for 3 years. |
Panelist: Mr Zach Johnson
Senior Director
Asia Pacific
Blackboard Inc.
Mr Zach Johnson is the Regional Vice President for Blackboard Asia Pacific, based in Queensland, Australia. Prior to joining
Blackboard four years ago, Mr Johnson worked as a strategic consultant at Cranfield University in England and as an analyst
for Abt Associates, a public policy consulting firm in the United States. Mr Johnson is currently writing up his PhD dissertation
on Sociocybernetic Decision System Models for Higher Education Leadership and Governance. |
Panelist: Professor Charles Webb
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Teaching and Learning
Charles Darwin University
Professor Charles Webb is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning of Charles Darwin University. He has
considerable experience in the management and governance of tertiary institutions. As a founding member of the Northern
Territory University, Professor Webb held the positions of Associate Dean, School of Biological Sciences, Associate Dean,
Research and Postgraduate Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research & International), Pro
Vice-Chancellor (Higher Education & Research) and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) before taking up his current
role. He has also served on all of the major management bodies of Charles Darwin University. |
(in alphabetical order)
Panel Discussion - National and Institutional Drivers for Quality Assurance and Assessment - Global and Local Perspectives
Panel Chair
Professor An-Chi Liu
Preparatory office
Dharma Drum University
Panelist: (in alphabetical order)
Dr Walter Hu
Chief Executive Officer
The People's Republic of China
Mr Zach Johnson
Senior Director
Asia Pacific
Blackboard Inc.
Professor Charles Webb
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Teaching and Learning
Charles Darwin University
Session 1.1 Theme: English Language Enhancement
Venue: Room P4-704, 4/F, Purple Zone, Academic Building
This session will focus on an online English language enhancement project conducted at CityU,
namely the Language Companion Course (LCC) project. Speakers will include Dr Diane Strong-
Krause, Associate Teaching Professor, Brigham Young University; Professor Geoff Williams, Head of
Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia; Professor James Martin, Professor of Linguistics
(Personal Chair), University of Sydney (USYD); and Dr Ahmar Mahboob, also from USYD. Each will be
sharing their experience as global partners in the LCC project.
| Facilitator: Professor Jonathan Webster Department Head Department of Chinese, Translation & Linguistics City University of Hong Kong
Professor Jonathan Webster received his PhD in Linguistics from the State
University of New York at Buffalo. He is currently Head of Department of Chinese,
Translation and Linguistics at City University of Hong Kong, and Director of The
Halliday Centre for Intelligent and Applications of Language Studies. He is the
General Editor of the journal Linguistics and the Human Sciences, and Series
Editor of the ten-volume Collected Works of M.A.K. Halliday. He is a member
of the Board of Directors of the International Association of World Englishes
|  | Presenter: Dr Ahmar Mahboob Lecturer Department of Linguistics The University of Sydney Australia
Dr Ahmar Mahboob teaches linguistics at the University of Sydney, Australia. He has published on a wide range of topics
in linguistics including educational linguistics, language policy development, pidgin and creole languages, NNEST studies,
English language learning & teaching, teacher education, World Englishes, pragmatics, and issues surrounding minority
languages in South Asia. Dr Mahboob is the Past President of Indiana TESOL and the Past Chair of the NNEST Caucus in TESOL
International. |  | Presenter: Professor James Martin Professor (Personal Chair) Department of Linguistics The University of Sydney Australia
Professor James Martin is Professor of Linguistics (Personal Chair) at the University of Sydney. His research interests include
systemic theory, functional grammar, discourse semantics, register, genre, multimodality and critical discourse analysis, with
special reference to the transdisciplinary fields of educational linguistics and social semiotics. Recent publications include
Language, Knowledge and Pedagogy Continuum 2007; and with David Rose, a second edition of Working with Discourse
(Continuum 2007) and a book on genre (Genre relations: mapping culture, Equinox 2008). Professor Martin was elected a
fellow of the Australian Academy of the umanities in 1998, and awarded a Centenary Medal for his services to Linguistics
and Philology in 2003. |
 | Presenter: Dr Diane Strong-Krause Associate Teaching Professor Linguistics and English Language - TESOL Brigham Young University The United States of America Dr Diane Strong-Krause, an Associate Teaching Professor at Brigham Young University, has been involved in language and
technology since the mid 1980s. Most of her work has involved the application of technology to help solve language
assessment challenges, including the development of a computer-adaptive ESL placement exam (ESLCAPE), a set of
computerized speaking exams (using Oral Testing Software), and a set of achievement exams for a local intensive English
program. Recently, she has investigated the use of technology in automated scoring of writing by low-level second language
learners. |  | Presenter: Professor Geoff Williams Head Faculty of Education The University of British Columbia Canada
Professor Geoff Williams is Professor and Head, Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia
(UBC), Canada. He previously taught at the University of Sydney, in the Faculties of Arts and Education, where he introduced
the first course to use WebCT for learning about English in mixed-mode environments. He is currently collaborating on the
development of a Digital Literacy Centre in his Department at UBC. |
(in alphabetical order)
Session 1.1 Theme: English Language Enhancement
Venue: Room P4-704, 4/F, Purple Zone, Academic Building
Facilitator: Professor Jonathan Webster Department Head Department of Chinese, Translation & Linguistics City University of Hong Kong
(in alphabetical order)
Dr Ahmar Mahboob
Department of Linguistics
The University of Sydney
Professor James Martin
Professor (Personal Chair)
Department of Linguistics
The University of Sydney
Dr Diane Strong-Krause
Associate Teaching Professor
Linguistics and English Language - TESOL
Brigham Young University
The United States of America
Professor Geoff Williams
Faculty of Education
The University of British Columbia
Session 1.2 Theme: Chinese / Asian Language Support (Putonghua session)
Venue: Room P4-802, 4/F, Purple Zone, Academic Building
In this session, we will discuss Chinese / Asian language support focusing on online databases. We
will look at them from various content perspectives: creators, providers, application, distributors,
users, learners and educators. We will exchange experiences on databases such as National Palace
Museum Online, Taiwan Electronic Periodical Services, Chinese Electronic Periodical Services,
Chinese Electronic Theses and Dissertations, and the World Fine Arts Database.
Facilitator: Professor Steve Ching
University Librarian
City University of Hong Kong
Professor Hsianghoo Steve Ching is University Librarian at City University of Hong Kong. He is also the Adjunct Professor of Department of Economics and
Finance. Before accepting the appointment at CityU in 2004, he was Director
of University Libraries and Professor of Business School at Feng Chia University in
Taiwan. He received both his MBA and PhD from the University of Nebraska-
Lincoln, USA. His recent research focus is on the academic library consortia
development and management, strategic development for digital publishing,
changing economics of library services, and economic issues for Pearl River
Delta and Yangtze River Delta. |
Presenter: Dr Zhijian Yang
Deputy Director-General
Department of Higher Education
Ministry of Education
The People's Republic of China
Presenter: Professor Bing-Jean Lee
Vice President
Feng Chia University
Professor Bing-Jean Lee obtained his PhD degree from Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics,
The University of Texas at Austin in 1991. Before he joined the Department of Civil Engineering of Feng Chia University (FCU) in
1994, he worked as a post doctoral researcher in Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California, San
Diego. Currently, Professor Lee is Vice President of FCU, before that he was Chairman of Department of Civil Engineering,
Dean of College of Construction and Development and Dean of Office of Academic Affairs. He also serves as President of
Chinese Information Literacy Association, Taiwan. |
Presenter: Dr Ka Wai Fan
Chinese Civilisation Centre
City University of Hong Kong
Presenter: Ms Sophia Lin
Marketing Sales Manager
International Business Department
Electronic Publishing Business Unit
Airiti Inc.
Session 1.2 Theme: Chinese / Asian Language Support (Putonghua session)
Venue: Room P4-802, 4/F, Purple Zone, Academic Building
Facilitator: Professor Steve Ching University Librarian City University of Hong Kong
Dr Zhijian Yang Deputy Director-General Department of Higher Education Ministry of Education The People's Republic of China
Professor Bing-Jean Lee Vice President Feng Chia University Taiwan
Dr Ka Wai Fan Lecturer Chinese Civilisation Centre City University of Hong Kong
Ms Sophia Lin Marketing Sales Manager International Business Department Electronic Publishing Business Unit Airiti Inc. Taiwan
Session 1.3
Theme: Other Learning Experiences (OLE), Student Learning Profiles (SLP) & ePortfolios
Venue: Tin Ka Ping Lecture Theatre (LT-1), 4/F, Red Zone, Academic Building
- Professor Lilian Vrijmoed, CityU
(in alphabetical order)
- Dr Garry Allan, RMIT
- Ms Hokling Cheung, CityU
- Mr Dean Fisher, CityU
- Mr Gyver Lau, HK
- Mr Stephen Yip, EDB, HK
Session 1.3
Theme: Other Learning Experiences (OLE), Student Learning Profiles (SLP) & ePortfolios
Venue: Tin Ka Ping Lecture Theatre (LT-1), 4/F, Red Zone, Academic Building
The 3-3-4 Education Reform in Hong Kong has encompassed a number of novel initiatives aiming
to broaden and strengthen the learning of students not only in the scope of knowledge, but also in
their learning style. “Other Learning Experiences” is one of these new initiatives whereby students
have to document their participation of co-curricular activities in a “Student Learning Profile” which
is part of their credentials of the Diploma of Secondary Education. In this session, we will explore
how technology can facilitate and maximize students’ learning via the use of an ePortfolio leading
to behavioural changes in their overall learning.
Facilitator: Professor Lilian Vrijmoed
Advisor to the Vice-President (Student Affairs) on Student Learning
City University of Hong Kong
Professor Lilian Vrijmoed is Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong. Although she was trained as a microbiologist, she has developed interests in works related to the enhancement of student learning in the past decade. With the adoption of an outcomes-based approach to teaching and learning in the undergraduate curriculum of local tertiary institutes, she has also promoted application of the same strategy for co-curricular activities. She is holding a con-current appointment as Advisor of the VP (Student Affairs) on Student Learning at the CityU. |
Presenter: Dr Garry Allan
Project Manager
Academic ICT Integration
The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
Dr Garry Allan is the Project Manager for Academic ICT Integration at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
(RMIT). In this role, he is responsible for a number of University strategic initiatives that utilise educational technologies. He
is currently implementing Web 2.0 educational environments within the RMIT Learning Management System and is leading
the University’s ePortfolio project. In his academic capacity, he teaches principally in the field of Medical Radiations, and his
research activities are focused on innovative uses of video communication technologies in clinical education. |
Presenter: Ms Hokling Cheung
Education Development Officer
Education Development Office
City University of Hong Kong
Ms Hokling Cheung is an Education Development Officer at City University of Hong Kong where she promotes the creative use
of information and communication technologies for effective teaching & learning. Currently, she is responsible for e-Learning,
Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning, staff development and the University’s e-Portal communication system. Since 2005,
she has been collaborating with a team of academic faculties to research the effective use of ePortfolios for active and
reflective learning. |
Presenter: Mr Dean Fisher
Associate Head
English Language Centre
City University of Hong Kong
Mr Dean Fisher has been working in the English Language Centre (ELC) at City University for ten years and last year was a
recipient of the University’s award for excellence in teaching. Mr Fisher works closely with the Education Development Office
to train and support teachers not just within the ELC, but also in other colleges. He is currently Principal Investigator of a
university-wide project entitled, “ePortfolios for All: A Roadmap for Success”. |
Presenter: Mr Gyver Lau
Assistant Principal
Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School
Hong Kong
Mr Gyver Lau was awarded the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence by the Government of the HKSAR. He is
the Chairman of the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence Teachers Association. He actively participates in the
development of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum and Information Technology for Education. He is a member of Ad
Hoc Committee on Applied Learning, Science Education Committee and Gifted Education Committee in the Curriculum
Development Council. He is also a member of the Advisory Panel of the Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity). |
Presenter: Mr Stephen Yip
Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning & Library)
Education Bureau
The Government of the HKSAR
Mr Stephen Yip is currently Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning and Library) in the Curriculum
Development Institute, Education Bureau since 2002. He is responsible for the development of Life-wide Learning, school
library services, and textbook review in the territory. His recent task is to promote the implementation of “Other Learning
Experiences” and “Student Learning Profile” among schools under the New Senior Secondary Curriculum in Hong Kong. |
(in alphabetical order)
Session 1.3
Theme: Other Learning Experiences (OLE), Student Learning Profiles (SLP) & ePortfolios
Venue: Tin Ka Ping Lecture Theatre (LT-1), 4/F, Red Zone, Academic Building
Facilitator: Professor Lilian Vrijmoed Advisor to the Vice-President (Student Affairs) on Student Learning City University of Hong Kong
(in alphabetical order)
Dr Garry Allan Project Manager Academic ICT Integration The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University Australia Ms Hokling Cheung
Education Development Officer
Education Development Office
City University of Hong Kong
Mr Dean Fisher
Associate Head
English Language Centre
City University of Hong Kong
Mr Gyver Lau
Assistant Principal
Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School
Hong Kong
Mr Stephen Yip
Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning & Library)
Education Bureau
The Government of the HKSAR