Location Map
The e-Learning Forum Asia 2009 will be held at the Tin Ka Ping Lecture Theatre (LT-1), City University of Hong Kong.

How to get to Tin Ka Ping Lecture Theatre?
Pedestrian Subway (Arrived by MTR):
- When you get off the MTR(Kowloon Tong Station), look for Festival Walk exit.
- In Festival Walk, on Level LG1, there is a Pedestrian Subway which will lead you to CityU campus.
- Go straight after walking through the Pedestrian Subway, walk through the red doors to enter the Academic Building.
- Go straight ahead past the Bookshop and you will see escalators on your right.
- Go up one level to the University Concourse.
- You will see all the lecture theatres on both sides of the Concourse.
University Circle (Arrived by Car):
- When you drop off at the University Circle, go along the Covered Walk Way which will lead you to the Academic Building.
- Walk through the red doors, you will see all the lecture theatres on both sides of the Concourse.