Workshop and Welcome Dinner
2.00pm – 5:00pm
Workshop: Designing online lessons with Learning Activity Management System (LAMS)
Noted: The workshop has been rescheduled to be held on Friday, 27th April from 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Agenda: please click here
Fee: RMB400 / USD65
Registration: please contact Ms. Merlyn Kwan
** Participants were suggested to bring along their laptop with web camera.
Room 403, Dianjiao Building, Peking University
7.00pm – 10.00pm |
eLearning Forum Asia 2012 Welcome Dinner |
Main Hall, Level B1, Lakeview Hotel |

8.00am onwards |
Registration Desks Opens & Light Breakfast |
Hotel Lobby & Exhibition Area |
9.00am – 9.15am |
Opening Address – Peking University, Mainland China |
Main Hall |
9.15am – 10.00am
Keynote Session 1 – 祝智庭 教授 (Prof. Zhu Zhi Ting), East China Normal University, Mainland China
Topic: 国际观察与国内动态 (Latest Development of Education Informationalization: International and Domestic Observations)
Main Hall
10.00am – 10.45am
Plenary Session 1 – Mr. ONG Chee Ming, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore
Topic: Bridging the Gap between Educators and Social Media
Main Hall
10.45am – 11.15am
Exhibition Area
11.15am – 12.00am
Plenary Session 2 – Prof. Doug VOGEL, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Topic: The Learning Impact of Social Networking
Main Hall
12.00pm – 12.45pm
Plenary Session 3 – Ms. Leah Parsons SIMPSON, University of Kentucky, USA
Topic: Using Technology to Manage Large-Scale Assessment
Main Hall
12.45pm – 1.45pm
1.45pm – 3.45pm
Session 1A – Innovation in Education
Are we making a difference? Designing an impact study for technological innovations in education
Dr. Josephine M CSETE, Dr. David Ian BROWN, Mr. Green LUK, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
With incorporating more and more technologies to meet the needs of the next generation learners, how can we best manage these changes with our faculty?
Dr. Claudia MYRICK, Belmont University, USA
Policy and Incentives to Support the Development of Higher-order Online Learning Designs
Prof. Carmel MCNAUGHT, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
“The whole is more powerful than the sum of the parts”: eLearn at the Canberra Institute of Technology
Ms. Jaci GANENDRAN, Canberra Institute of Technology, Australia
Main Hall
Session 1B – Collaborative Learning
Case Study of Mass Collaboration Based on 1Kgbox Learning Project
Mr. ZHUANG Xiuli, Beijing Normal University, Mainland China
Web Based Portfolio: An Approach to Support Collaboration Learning Experience
Ms. TENG Sok Hooi, Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia
Teaching (Bio)Statistics with Group Tools in an Undergraduate Course
Ms. Ninia Inoncillo CALACA, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
协同学习环境搭建案例研究 Case study of cooperative study environment
任善恂 先生 (Mr. REN Shanxun), 何彦彬 先生 (Mr. HE Yanbin), 任虹宇 先生 (Mr. REN Hongyu), 彭云帆 先生(Mr. PENG Yunfan), 徐涛 先生 (Mr. XU Tao), Yunnan University, Mainland China
Breakout Room 1
Session 1C – Empowering Educators
Making self-directed learning happening by online edutainment English learning Environment
孙众 先生 (Mr. SUN Zhong), Capital Normal University, Mainland China
From technophobes to tech explorers – How did we do it?
Ms. Serena CHEONG, Mr. Benedict CHIA, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Virtual Field Trip for Teaching and Learning
Dr. Jaitip NA-SONGKHLA, Ms. Shu-Hsiang CHEN, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
“微时代”的教育技术培训 (Education technology training in the “micro era”)
唐海燕 女仕 (Ms. TANG Haiyan), Beijing Language Culture University, Mainland China
Breakout Room 2
Session 1D – Emerging Technologies & Applications
Constructing and Applying of SecondLife Based Community of Practice for Teachers
Dr. Geping LIU, Southwest University, Mainland China
Learning Experiments in Virtual Mode Through 3D Visualisation
Prof. P. K. GARG, Dr. R. D. GARG, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Smartphone filming – Media creation made easy
Mr. Jack SHUO, Ms. Serena CHEONG, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
数位媒体汇流传播学习挑战及愿景 – 以世新大学为 (Challenges and vision for digital media communication convergence – A Case Study of Shih Hsin University)
李佳玲 女仕 (Ms. J. L. LEE), 蔡念中 先生 (Mr. Nelson TSAI), Shih Hsin University
Breakout Room 3
3.45pm – 4.15pm
Exhibition Area
4.15pm – 5.45pm
Session 2A – Assessment
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism Management in Context
Assoc. Prof. Daniel TAN, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Using Grading Analytics to improve student learning
Dr. Cath ELLIS, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Outcomes-based Teaching & Learning Evidenced: The Role of Electronic Journal Writing to Motivate Student Learning
Dr. Tushar CHAUDHURI, Dr. Eva WONG, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Main Hall
Session 2B – Classroom Technology
A Short Message-based Classroom Response System and a Non-linear Presentation Tool
Mr. ZHUO Qing, Tsinghua University, Mainland China
Using clickers in large-size classes to engage students in self-reflection and peer instruction
Prof. Isabella POON, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Impending doom of clickers?
Ms. Theresa LIM, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Breakout Room 1
Session 2C – Cloud Infrastructure and Learning Environment
开放式课程运动形成的学习云 (Cloud learning environment created as a result of OpenCourseWare Initiatives)
李威仪 教授 (Prof. Wei-I LEE), National Chiao Tung University
上海数字化终身云学习平台的设计及其应用 The Design and Application of Shanghai Digital Lifelong Learning System Based on Cloud Computing
肖君 先生 (Mr. XIAO Jun), Shanghai Distance Education Group, Mainland China
基于无线云计算的医学教育网络平台的设计和教学实验 Construction and application of a medical learning system based on Mobile Cloud Computing
谷绥庆 先生 (Mr. GU Suiqing), Hebei Medical University, Mainland China
Breakout Room 2
Session 2D – Social and Collaborative Learning
探究在线学习共同体中的知识创新:以《教育技术研究方法》课程为例 (Explore the knowledge innovation in online learning community: A case study of “Educational technology research methods”)
詹青龙 先生 (Mr. Qinglong ZHAN), Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Mainland China
Empowering Educators through Collaborative Practices
Mr. LEE Yik Sheng, Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia
Professor 2.0 in the social media class, a textbook co-authoring experimentation with students.
Mr. Marc AUGIER, SKEMA China Center, Mainland China
Breakout Room 3
End of Day 1 / Assembly for event
Main Hall
6.00pm – 10.00pm |
eLearning Forum Asia Community Dinner# |
* Note: Duration for each presentation in the Breakout Sessions will be 20 minutes. There will be a 10 mins Q&A that all speakers should be around to answer any questions, ie. Speakers are expected to stay throughout their allocated breakout session.
# Delegates should indicate they are attending the social event during online registration, or subsequently through emails. Please note that we are unable to accept last-minute registrations during the conference days as the tickets are pre-booked. Kindly confirm your attendance/participation at the registration table.

8.00am onwards |
Light Breakfast |
Exhibition Area |
9.00am – 11.00am |
Session 3A – Mobile Learning
Learning Microbiology in Daily LIfe – How Can a Mobile Device Help?
Prof. Lilian L P VRIJMOED, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
校园无线网移动学习终端应用服务需求分析及重要性研究 (On-campus wireless mobile learning terminal services – needs analysis and research)
冯愿女仕 (Ms. FENG Yuan), Nantong University, Mainland China
Correlation between Mobile Learning Accesses and Mobile Device Purchasing Schemes – a City University of Hong Kong Experience
Dr. Crusher WONG, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
智慧型手持装置的学习资源工具发展 (Development of learning resources on smart mobile devices)
王美雪 女仕 (Ms. Mei-Xue WANG), Sinica Research Center for Information Technology Innovation
Main Hall
Session 3B – Blended Learning
群体建构中教与学—基于教学网的学习共同体平台建设 (Teaching and Learning in Community Building–Learning community platform developed based on online teaching)
林小英 女仕 (Ms. LIN Xiaoying), 肖南 先生 (Mr. XIAO Nan), Peking University, Mainland China
Blended learning and university goals: an empirical case analysis
Mr. Samson NG, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Mix and Match: Blended Learning for learning continuity
Mr. ONG Choon Teck, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
On the Design of Blending Learning Environment for the Cultivation of Application Abilities
Mr. TU Jingjie, Ningbo Nahongying University, Mainland China
Breakout Room 1 |
Session 3C – Empowering Educators
Enhancing student learning using eLearning tools: A case study of a freshmen course
Dr. Theresa KWONG, Mr. Peter LAU, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Applying Innovative Online Teaching Methods to Develop Students’ Computing Skills
Ms. Chih-Hui YANG, I-Shou University
教师培训的多位一体(Comprehensive teacher training)
杨晓哲 先生 (Mr. YANG Xiaozhe), Shanghai Normal University, Mainland China
Using technologies to support English language learning: Experiences from a three-year initiative
Dr. David M. KENNEDY, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Breakout Room 2 |
Session 3D – Innovation in Education
Implementation of E-learning at Ling Tung University
陈仁龙 教授 (Prof. David Jen Lung CHEN), Ling Tung University
An Enhanced Interactive Learning Experience at Siam University
Mr. Pornchai MONGKHONVANIT, Mr. Vanchai RIJIRAVANICH, Mr. Rengson MUALCHONTHAM, Siam University, Thailand
Learning+ : Kreative Commons in FCU
黄焜煌 博士 (Dr. Kun-Huang HUARNG), Feng Chia University
电子书包系统架构、技术标准与应用试验 (System structure, technical standards and application testing of electronic schoolbag)
钱冬明 博士 (Dr. QIAN Dongming), East China Normal University, Mainland China
Breakout Room 3 |
11.00am – 11.30am |
Exhibition Area |
11.30am – 1.00pm
Session 4A – Assessment
Assessing Student Learning Outcomes: Putting Outcomes to Work!
Mr. Photipong CHANAWANGSA, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand & Ms. Leah Parsons SIMPSON, University of Kentucky, USA
Great expectations: Balancing the risks and benefits of blended learning and e-assessment in Maths and Statistics education
Dr. Jennifer EVANS, Ms. Peggy Pui Kei HO, Dr. HUNG Kim Fai, Mr. David Ian BROWN, Dr. Glory PONG, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
自动化汉语口语考试研发与思考 (Research and Thoughts of Automated Test of Spoken Chinese)
李晓琪 教授 (Prof. LI Xiao Qi), Peking University, Mainland China
Main Hall
Session 4B – Collaborative Learning
Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO (the EXPO) at CUHK:A mutual support platform for teachers to enhance teaching strategies and experience
Ms. Minghui CHEN, Daisy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Blog协同促进通识课程辅助教学模式变革与实践构想 (Using Blog as a tool to facilitate change in the ancillary teaching mode of general education courses and best practices for enhancing such realisation)
Mr. ZHANG Xiao Hu, Xi’an Eurasia University, Mainland China
Beyond e-Training: A Knowledge
Dr. Jaitip NA-SONGKHLA, Ms. Prapaipis MONGKOLRATANA Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Breakout Room 1 |
Session 4C – Classroom Technology
强化专业基础课程学习成效:学习管理系统与课程录制机制之整合运用 (Enhance the learning outcome of professional foundation courses: integration and application of learning management system and lecture recording system)
邓钧文 博士 (Dr. C. W. TENG), Feng Chia University
Student engagement through real time feedback: Experiences from NTU
Mr. Mohamad Ridwan Bin OTHMAN, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
How educational technology can help inspire transparency and openness
Dr. Peter JEWESSON, Qatar University, State of Qatar
Breakout Room 2 |
Session 4D – Innovation in Education
Adapting Teaching Strategies to Align with Student Learning Styles – the SMALT approach
Mr. SON Wei Meng, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore
大学本科生学习创新能力培养和优良学风建 (Cultivation of innovative learning capabilities of university students and fostering good academic atmosphere)
朱道立 先生 (Mr. ZHU Daoli), Nantong University, Mainland China
Empowering educators for online learning and assessment through Blended Learning
Mr. TAY Sin Hwa, SingHealth Academy, Singapore
Breakout Room 3 |
1.00pm – 2.00pm
2.00 – 2.45pm
Keynote Session 2 – Mr. Matt SMITH, Southern Cross University, Australia
Topic: Mobility in Southern Cross University, Australia
Main Hall
2.45 – 3.30pm
Plenary Session 4 – 余胜泉 先生 (Mr. Shengquan YU), Beijing Normal University, Mainland China
Topic: 从学习对象到学习元: 泛在学习资源模型探索 From Learning Object to Learning Cell: An Organization model for Ubiquitous Learning
Main Hall
3.30pm – 4.00pm |
Exhibition Area |
4.00pm – 4.45pm
Plenary Session 5 – Prof. Ruay-Shiung CHANG, National Dong Hwa University
Topic: Learning 3.0: Connected Learning
Main Hall
4.45pm – 5.15pm
Chair: 汪琼 教授 (Dr. WANG Qiong), Peking University, Mainland China
Panellists: 虞哲奘 博士 (Dr. J. T. YU), eLFAsia; Prof. Daniel TAN, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; 刘安之 博士 (Dr. An-Chi LIU), Feng Chia University
Topic: The Next Generation Learning
Main Hall
5.15pm – 5.45pm
Closing remarks – 汪琼 教授 (Dr. WANG Qiong), Peking University, Mainland China
Main Hall
End of Day 2 / Assembly for event
Main Hall
6.00 – 10.00pm
eLearning Forum Asia Community Dinner#
* Note: Duration for each presentation in the Breakout Sessions will be 20 minutes. There will be a 10 mins Q&A that all speakers should be around to answer any questions, ie. Speakers are expected to stay throughout their allocated breakout session.
# Delegates should indicate they are attending the social event during online registration, or subsequently through emails. Please note that we are unable to accept last-minute registrations during the conference days as the tickets are pre-booked. Kindly confirm your attendance/participation at the registration table.

User Group Meetings / Post Event Workshop
9.00am – 12.15pm |
9.00am – 12.10 pm
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Designing online lessons with Learning Activity Management System (LAMS)
Agenda & Free Registration: please click here
Room 403, Dianjiao Building, Peking University