Title: Reinvention of Education: Response to Industry 4.0
Dr. Daniel Tan
Chairman, eLearning Forum Asia
He obtained his BSc from University of Aston, Birmingham, England. He subsequently achieved a PhD from the University of Manchester,Institute of Science and Technology and a post-graduate Diploma in Teaching in Higher Education from the National Institute of Education,Singapore. His technical interests cover educational technology and infrastructure design, learning science, Internet and ICT security, cloud technologies, human factors design and usability. Dr Tan has over 28 years of experience in teaching, eLearning architecture,design and policy making. He also has a strong understanding and substantial hands-on experience at the integration and synergy of education technology and content for effective outcomes.
Previously, as Director of CELT (Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching) at the Nanyang Technological University, he led a team to develop andimplement an eLearning campus eco-system. This environment, comprising a holistic approach towards learning and teaching supported by system design, learning platform, and server architecture has resulted to a change in learning culture on the campus (over 2000 course sites, with typically 22 million page views per academic week, and 600 million page views per year), together with edUtorium – the faculty development program with over 4000 training seats per year, and participative pedagogical design). Project UniWood, their campus-wide lecture recording initiative is considered one of the most advanced in the world, with a yield of over 1.6 million viewings per year, with a corresponding aggregated viewing time of over 80 years.
Through this innovative eLearning initiative, the University has won recognition by being a winner of the Intelligent20 Award 2003, CIO Asia100 Award 2004, EMC Best Practice Award 2004, National Health Group Distinguished Contributor Award 2005, ZDNet Asia Smart50 Award 2006, SiTF eLearning Organization of the Year 2006, the prestigious ascilite Award 2008 and the Leadership Award for ‘Best in Project Work Management’ in the IMS Global Learning Impact Awards 2009. It also won the POPAI Award 2011 for Digital Signage Systems. Dr Tan was recognized for the 2012 Global e-Learning Award for Excellence in eLearning at the 2012 LearnTech Conference in recognition of his leadership and contribution to the field of Education. NTU was also most recently recognized for the Blackboard Catalyst Award for Communications Strategy 2013 in their exemplary adoption and utilization of the rapid and mass messaging platform to effectively engage and connect with the campus community and public. The work and outcomes in the adoption of technology for learning and teaching at NTU has been regarded as exemplary. He has frequently been invited to speak as a keynote speaker at various international events.
Dr.Tan was conferred The Public Administration Medal (Silver) at the Singapore National Day Awards 2007 for his outstanding contributions to advancing the quality of educational development, instructional and media support services, student learning and professional teaching in the University as well as the educational community in the nation.