0800 Registration Desk Opens & Light BreakfastMain Foyer
0900 Opening Address Dr. Peter SeanCR1
Role of Social Media in
Higher Education
Tanya JoostenUniversity of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee, USA
Dr David Metcalf
University of Central
Florida, USA
Stephen diFilipo
Cecil College, USA
Sharon Stoerger
University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee, USA
Learning design for Social Networks
Learning through Social Networks
Prof Ruay-Shiung Chang
National Dong Hwa University,
Social networking in the classroom:
Incorporating Learning Design to
ensure safe and efficient learning
Ms Leanne Cameron
Macquarie Uni, Australia
Learning Design in the Use of Web 2.0
for Collaborative Knowledge Building
Ms Lim Wei Ying & Dr Tan Seng Chee
NIE, Singapore
Does Facebook group support
students’ learning?
Dr Quek Choon Lang Gwendoline &
Dr Wang Qiyun
National Institute of Education,
Classroom Technologies
Effective Learning in Classrooms of
Tomorrow at NTU
Assoc Prof Gan Chee Lip
NTU, Singapore
Universal Design for the K-12
Classroom: Technology-based
Strategies for Students with Disabilities
Ms Leanne Cameron
University of Hawaii, USA
Math Matters – Breakthrough ideas for
the 21st century
Ms Nirmala Sankaran
Teaching “Strategic Management” with
an online computer simulation in an
undergraduate business course
Dr Andrew Chan, City U HK
 1700 End of Day 1 / Assembly for event

Main Foyer

 1715 eLearning Forum Asia Community Event / Dinner


Some more notes here