Learning journeys will be lined up for delegates to visit local institutions and organisations that have implemented technologies to enable and enhance learning.  Hosted by our local educational community, these visits provide delegates an opportunity to experience for themselves the technologies and best practices implemented at their organization. It also provides opportunities for further collaboration and sharing with your institution or organization.

Come and join us for a fun and learning time. 

You will only need to choose ONE option during registration, subject to availability of places.
Buses will leave at 3 pm on 9th June 2011 where our LJ friends will bring you through a 90 minute programme, including sharing sessions and showcase of their elearning projects that harnesses the potentials of latest technologies.

Our current list of learning journeys include:

1. National Institute of Education (NIE): Media eXperimentaL Studio (MxL)

Media eXperimenL Studio


Established in 2007, the MxL Studio was set up by the Learning Sciences and Technologies Academic Group, National Institute of Education (NIE) to promote IDM applications with sound pedagogical and technological support for educators.   The session will discuss opportunities of integrating interactive digital media (IDM) such as Second Life and video games with e-tools such as wikis, QR codes, MindMeister and VoiceThread into your workshops and courses.
Maximum capacity : 30register here


2. Ngee Ann Polytechnic : Learner's Together

 Learner's Together


Here's an opportunity for a hands-on experience and introduction to iPhone applications and courseware developed by iMedia Centre for the various courses at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. You can also look forward to an informative sharing session on social networking for education as well as recent case studies of e-learning applications at NP using Web 2.0 tools, Virtual Stocktake and a ship simulation software to learn naval architecture.
Maximum capacity : 30register here


3. Nanyang Polytechnic : Innovative Teaching and Learning

Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)

Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) offers 49 full-time diploma courses in Engineering, Information Technology, Design, Interactive & Digital Media, Business Management, Health Sciences and Chemical & Life Sciences, as well as a suite of customised courses for continuing education. The Polytechnic’s unique “Teaching Factory Concept”, complemented with other innovative pedagogies, enables students to learn within a training environment that emulates the workplace. Learning Journey participants will see NYP’s “Teaching Factory” concept in implementation, as well as NYP’s e-Learning initiatives, which include the award-winning Accumulated Experience Sharing or AES® programme.
Maximum capacity : 20register here


4. Singapore Discovery Centre : Singapore Story

Singapore Discovery Centre


What makes Singapore tick? What are some of our nation's challenges and aspirations? Join us for a guided tour of the Permanent Exhibit Gallery (PEG) that tells the Singapore Story through a myriad of themes and multi-sensory experiences that engages both heart and mind! Participants will walk away with the knowledge of how and why Singapore is a success story she is today. More details of our PEG can be found at http://www.sdc.com.sg/attraction-listing.html
Maximum capacity : 40register here


5. Nanyang Technological University : Campus Tour

Walking trails and visit to NTU Centres and facilities, including:

  • Gamelab –a research and development facility at NTU, gameLAB's activities center around exploration of novel gaming technologies and experimentation of their creative uses in game development. Find out more at http://www3.gamelab.ntu.edu.sg/
  • Centralised Command Centre for Lecture Recording (CCCLR)– An opportunity to view NTU’s innovative centralized lecture recording service for all common Lecture Theatres
  • TRx (Future Classrooms) – Tour of the technology enabled tutorial rooms at NTU. For more details of this project http://edventuresg.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/tr-trx-and-tr/

Maximum Capacity: 20 register here


Ngee Ann Polytechnic
  • Driving there? Please meet the group at Block 27 Level 02, Teaching & Learning Centre, 535 Clementi Road.
  • Campus map: http://www.street-directory.com/ngeeann/

  • Nanyang Polytechnic
  • Driving there? Please meet the group at School of Information Technology, Block L, Level 1 Meeting Room.
  • Campus map: http://www.nyp.edu.sg/aboutNYP/get_to_nyp/sitmap.html

  • Singapore Discovery Centre o
  • Driving there? Please meet at the main entrance.
  • Campus map : http://www.sdc.com.sg/visitors.html

  • 1. Building an infrastructure for next generation learning
    Next generation infrastructures are required to support learning continuity models where every student and educator are provided with the resources they need anytime, and anywhere using a range of access devices and internet connections. Topics of interest include cloud computing services, distance education and management systems, web accessibility, and issues on building such infrastructures for the 21st century learning models.
    2. Learning resources & content management
    Learners can avail to the huge amount of open educational resources and online learning materials from their institutional course-sites, but may not find them useful due to poor delivery and appropriate linkages of the resources to the learning outcomes. Educators tend to shy away from such (and free) resources as they are concerned about copyright and IP issues, and finds sharing of web content challenging. Share your views on the above issues and others related to the development and management of learning resources for community of educators and learners.
    3. Emerging learning technologies & applications
    What are the emerging technologies and applications that impact teaching and learning in your institution? How do we evaluate these solutions? New social media and collaboration sites offer tremendous opportunities to advance learning, but raises concerns about privacy and other challenging practices that may affect its potential for elearning implementations.
    4. Empowering educators for online learning and assessment
    Leveraging on technologies to improve learning and assessment of the learner leads to higher expectations of the teaching staff to be equally effective in the use of technologies to connect and facilitate learning. New teaching methods and models are developed to build the capacity for 21st century educators and towards more self-directed learning and collaborative learning strategies with Web 2.0 tools. This forum will also share on effective policies, staff incentive systems and strategic learning roadmaps for various staff groups.
    5. Active Learning Designs and Activities
    Good learning designs and development of appropriate learning activities are said to be effective for learning to occur. Researchers and educators have found that in order for high quality learning to be realised, the faculty is expected to constantly engage the learners through key performance tasks that build on their understanding of specific learning outcomes. Share your user experiences and thoughts on the use of Learning Activity Management Systems (LAMS) or similar tools that have achieved learning objectives.
    6. Classroom Technologies
    To accommodate a diversity of learning styles and teaching methods, changes in the physical learning environment are evolving with new classroom technologies and tools, such as classroom management, recorded lessons, clickers and virtual worlds. What are some effective classroom-of-the-future designs and implementations?
    7. Mobile Learning & Mobile Social Networking
    While we recognise the benefits of mobile computing devices and services, questions are often raised on how such ubiquitous technologies can add real value to the student learning experience. Social networking apps on smart- phones are also generating healthy debates on potentials and threats to m-learning implementations. Do you have similar issues and concerns to share? Or you may have a good story to tell about implementing mobile learning to your students.
    8. Continuing e-Education & e-Training
    Continuing education workshops and courses are offered to the alumni and public in institutions of higher learning and adult learner training institutes. Young learners are always on the move in their workplace and it is therefore not surprising to see more CET courses, seminars and workshops being put online. Topics for discussion include distance learning, blended learning, communication and collaboration tools, authentic assessments and e-Academy models.
    9. Learning Environments
    In the past decade, educational institutions have been using centralised learning environments and tools to support and manage traditional teaching and learning processes. With the advent of Web 2.0 and social media, educators are increasingly looking into virtual learning environments (VLEs) or course management systems that are more responsive to individual users. Personal learning environments (PLEs), mobile learning apps or VLEs with features that offer students greater control of their own learning and goal settings are portrayed as possible answers to this debate. What are your views on the current and future learning environments? Come and share about your issues, problems and solutions of using your institutional LMS for the young generation of learners.