Outcomes Assessment Strategies and Implementation Best Practices by Feng Chia University (in Chinese only)


Professor Liu An Chi – Feng Chia University
Professor Doong Shu Chi – Former Dean of College of Finance, Feng Chia University

David Yu – BEENET

Feng Chia University (FCU) has been recognised for “Outstanding Management Performance” by the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan.  FCU was the only comprehensive university in Taiwan to maintain a full pass in all categories of the campus affairs and faculty evaluation process, including “Self-Enhancement and Quality Assurance Mechanisms”.  FCU also received recognition from the evaluation committee by again receiving an “Outstanding Management Performance” distinction.  This workshop will share the experience gained by the management at FCU in designing its quality assurance procedures for AACSB accreditation and how Outcomes Assessment concepts and procedures where applied to create an sustainable and robust monitoring and management system in support of a continuous improvement cycle.



臺灣逢甲大學 Outcomes Assessment System 戰略與實施經驗分享

報告人 :
劉安之教授 -  逢甲大學

董澍琦教授 – 國立中興大學, 前逢甲大學金融學院院長

主持人 :
David Yu – BEENET



台灣逢甲大學連續數年榮獲臺灣教育部頒發 “ 教學卓越計劃 ” 之榜首,也是所有系所均經評鑑通過,唯一由教育部授予 “ 辦理完善,績效卓著 ” 讚譽之綜合性大學。

本研討會由逢甲大學分享參加 AACSB 評鑑過程中, 如何借助 Outcomes Assessment System 概念與流程, 去建立一個持續健全的監督與管理體系,以達到不斷精進的良性循環。



台湾逢甲大学 Outcomes Assessment System 战略与实施经验分享 

刘安之教授 -  逢甲大学,
董澍琦教授 – 国立中兴大学, 前逢甲大学金融学院院长

David Yu – BEENET



台湾逢甲大学连续数年荣获台湾教育部颁发 “ 教学卓越计划 ” 之榜首,也是所有系所均经评鉴通过,唯一由教育部授予 “ 办理完善,绩效卓著 ” 赞誉之综合性大学。

本研讨会由逢甲大学分享参加 AACSB 评鉴过程中, 如何借助 Outcomes Assessment System 概念与流程, 去建立一个持续健全的监督与管理体系,以达到不断精进的良性循环。


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