Learning motivation survey of scripting animated pedagogical agent with multimedia instructional material in EFL course

Kai-Yi Chin (1)
Wei-Wei Shen (2)
Jim-Min Lin (2)
Zeng-Wei Hong (3)

(1) Aletheia University, Taiwan
(2) Feng-Chia University, Taiwan
(3) Asia University, Taiwan



This research investigated the impact level of scripting animated pedagogical agents in multimedia instructional materials on student motivation in EFL course. Two groups totaling sixty-five participants from an elementary school in Taiwan enrolled in this experiment. Data from a learning motivation survey were collected from thirty-two students in the experimental group after enrolling in EFL instruction which adopted animated pedagogical agents as teaching assistants in class activities. All students in the experimental group completed the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) which has four scales, Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction, derived from Keller’s ARCS model. Results reveal the experimental group was mostly motivated by English instruction that used animated agents. The conclusion is that animated pedagogical agents can be appropriate instructional tools in a computer-assisted language learning environment to improve elementary students’ English learning.

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