Mixed-mode Presentation Support

Doug Vogel

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong



Student presentations are an important aspect of learning and sharing in classroom contexts. Unfortunately, class size (as it continues to grow) can inhibit the ability to provide a meaningful experience. In traditional classroom contexts, either student presentation time or Q&A time (or both) face restrictions. However, technology can provide degrees of freedom to address these limitations. Student presentations can be filmed (simultaneously at multiple locations using products such as Echo360) and then uploaded for online comment (e.g., in Blackboard forums) which significantly complements limited face-to-face time. Further, students can see themselves on film and benefit from the experience accordingly in addition to having time to better think through responses to questions posed in an online context which enhances the learning experience. Instructors also have a record of interactions that eases assessment. The purpose of this eLearning forum proposal is to describe experiences in applying this approach and its consequences. Particular attention will be given to success factors that minimize the need for external support and promote scalability. Implications for institutions will be addressed.

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